
to the Ayrshire section of the Scottish Assessors website. Please use the links opposite to find out more about the Ayrshire Assessor and Ayrshire Valuation Joint Board.

Visit the AVJB website

Local Council Area:

East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire

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To Search for a Rateable Value

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To Search for a Council Tax band

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Notice Board

New website launched

Our website has recently migrated to a new platform and we are in the process of updating all links and documentation.


Council Tax

If you have purchased a domestic property and it has been altered in size, this may result in a change to the band of the property. We are processing these as quickly as we can in these unusual times. You should make financial provision for any increase in band. If you have a new domestic property which requires to be added to the Council Tax List, we are again processing these as quickly as possible. You can e-mail us at [email protected]

NDR Subjects

If you have a case cited for a Valuation Appeal Committee, you can contact valuation staff who are all working from home. They will also endeavour to contact you by either email or telephone in order to progress appeals.

NDR Appeal Hearings

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