Electoral Canvass

What is the canvass?

To ensure we hold the correct details on our Electoral Register we undertake an annual canvass of all households in Argyll and Bute, East Dunbartonshire and West Dunbartonshire, each year between July and November.

The annual canvass is undertaken every year, and is prescribed by law.  You are not automatically registered just because you pay council tax.  Being registered to vote means you will be able to vote in elections and referendums, and have your say in the issues that matter to you.

At the start of each canvass, properties will undergo an annual national data matching step, alongside a discretionary local data matching step. This data matching process will then determine how we communicate with you.

If we have your email address we will send an email before sending the form (by email or post) to let you know it’s on its’ way.

How does this affect me? 

The data matching stage will determine how we communicate with you to verify information on your property.

  • Route 1 – all individuals within a property match with either national or local data.
  • Route 2 – only some (or none) of the individuals within a property match with either national or local data.

What do I need to do?


If all individuals within your property match as above, and we hold an email address for any member of your household, that person/people may receive an email communication.  The subject of this email will be to CHECK WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO BE REGISTERED TO VOTE AT YOUR ADDRESS.

  • If you receive this email you MUST make a response
  • Follow the link in the email and use the security codes supplied
  • More instructions will be on the https://www.elecreg.co.uk/dab-vjb webpage

If we do not hold an email address for a member of your household, you will receive a hard copy Canvass Communication form to check the details we hold for your property.

  • If all is correct – you do not need to do anything
  • If there have been any changes – you MUST respond by following the guidance on the form


If some or none of the individuals within your property match you will receive a Canvass Form – you must respond to this whether there is a change or not

  • If all information is correct – follow how to make a No Change response guidance on the form
  • If there have been any changes – you should also respond by following the guidance on the form

Making an online response is quick and easy – give it a try!

Is it too late to respond to a Canvass Form?

No – it is never too late to respond.  We update the Register of Electors on a monthly basis and can accept changes throughout the year.

What happens next?

If you have made any changes to the form, e.g. added new people to the form each of these individuals will receive an application form (known as an ITR), which will need to be completed before they can be put onto the Register of Electors.

Individuals may register online at gov.uk/register-to-vote – this is the quickest and easiest way to respond to an ITR.