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Number of Pages Found: 69. Results are ranked in order of relevance.

  • Privacy Notice and Cookie Statement

    Assessor is the Data Controller for the information gathered in connection with their statutory functions and any personal information gathered is governed by the Data Protection Act 2018. As such,…

  • About the Portal

    information on a Scotland- wide basis, sourced from the locally managed and maintained databases held by each of the Assessors. Rateable Values Initially the Portal displayed details of Rateable Values…

  • Non-Domestic Proposals

    provided on this website before deciding whether to make a proposal. As part of a competent proposal submission, you must provide the specific reasons (grounds) for making your proposal and…

  • Non-Domestic Proposals

    provided on this website before deciding whether to make a proposal. As part of a competent proposal submission, you must provide the specific reasons (grounds) for making your proposal and…

  • Valuation Notice – Further Information

    did not receive a decision, the last date for lodging the appeal will be 28 days after the PDD. Making an appeal If you are not satisfied with the decision…

  • Valuation Notice – Further Information

    did not receive a decision, the last date for lodging the appeal will be 28 days after the PDD. Making an appeal If you are not satisfied with the decision…

  • Valuations

    the Assessor who has provided the details. While reasonable efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, no warranty is given and no responsibility is accepted for…

  • Scottish Ratepayers Forum

    Government and the SAA met regularly for this purpose. In 2017 the SAA reviewed its consultation framework to increase accessibility and widen reach. The SAA review was completed by 1…

  • Draft Valuation Notices

    30 November 2022 and 15 March 2023. Any change to the Draft NAV/RV can be viewed by selecting the ‘2023 Proposed Value’ tab displayed on the portal for each entry….

  • Making a Proposal to alter your band

    …the local Assessor has received your proposal. Alternatively, you can obtain, from your local Assessor, a Proposal Form which can be completed and posted. Acknowledgement of Proposals Within the period…