About the Portal

The Scottish Assessors’ Portal provides details of Council Tax Bands and Rateable Values for all properties in Scotland. It also contains general advice and guidance in relation to Council Tax, Non-Domestic Valuation and Rating and Electoral Registration.

While this information is believed to be accurate and is provided by way of assistance to users it is not a statement of the law which is contained in a variety of Acts of Parliament, Acts of the Scottish Parliament and a body of associated Regulations and other Statutory Instruments.

The Portal first became available to the public on Monday 16 August 2004. Originally set up as a Modernising Government project funded by the Scottish Executive and the Scottish local government community, it was officially launched on Friday 29 October 2004 to coincide with the Scottish Executive’s Modernising Government Conference. The site was re- launched on 1 March 2017 with a new look.

All fourteen Assessors in Scotland are working together to develop, deliver and maintain the Scottish Assessors’ Portal. This provides a single point Internet access to Valuation Roll and Council Tax information on a Scotland- wide basis, sourced from the locally managed and maintained databases held by each of the Assessors.

Rateable Values

Initially the Portal displayed details of Rateable Values for the 2005 Revaluation and values for the 2004/2005 financial year. Valuation Roll histories were added to the Rateable Values Search facility in the latter part of 2006.

The information has since been updated and now shows details of current valuation roll entries and a history of changes since 1st April 2017. Details of entries and values prior to 1st April 2017 may be obtained directly from the Assessor involved. Contact details are available from the “Assessors’ Links” under “The Assessor” in the Menu opposite.

Valuations have been provided for subjects in the “bulk classes”, such as shops, offices and workshops/factories/stores, being repetitive type properties generally valued by reference to levels of rent paid in the market place. Valuations of other subjects, such as Civic Buildings, Schools, Shooting Rights and Self-catering Units, are being added in a phased approach from early 2021. Further expansion is planned for implementation at the 2023 Revaluation.

Council Tax Bands

The Portal contains details of the Council Tax Bands of all domestic properties in Scotland. Use the search facilities on the Home page to find these.

Online Forms

In March 2006 the first online form was added to the Portal. Since then it has been possible to lodge a valuation appeal direct to your local Assessor by completing a form on the Portal. In June 2006 the same facility became available to Council Tax payers and you can therefore lodge an on-line proposal from the Online Forms Page. Further developments have seen the availability of an on-line Rent Form and a Return of Information Form, which are also available through the Online Forms Menu.

Data Protection Policy Statement

To operate efficiently, Scottish Assessors & EROs (“Assessors”) must collect and use information about people. These include members of the public and their representatives. In addition, they may be required by law to collect and use information to comply with the requirements of government.

Scottish Assessors respect the privacy of individuals and the lawful and careful treatment of personal information is very important to their successful operations. It also helps maintain confidence between Assessors and those with whom they carry out business.  Assessors will ensure that personal information is treated lawfully and proportionately.

To this end Assessors are committed to protecting the rights and privacy of individuals including those rights set out in the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.

To view the Scottish Assessors’ Web Portal Data Protection Policy click here


If you wish to comment on the content of the Assessors’ Portal please complete the feedback form, which you can open from the link under the Menu on the Home Page or on the individual Assessors’ Home Pages. Assessors are committed to a longer term development plan to improve and enhance the Portal and your input will influence this process.

The Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) for the SA Portal is William McFarlane, Assessor for Glasgow. You can contact him by e-mail at [email protected]

We hope that you will find the Assessors’ Portal useful and a valuable source of information. Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact the SRO.