General Statistics

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The information provided in the reports reflects the current data held at the Portal, at the time when the report was generated.

Report 2

Valuation Roll - The Number of Non-Domestic Properties by Category Code and Total Rateable Value in each Local Authority within each Assessor's Area, plus All-Scotland totals.

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Report generated 10:42 27/07/2024

Outfile Write 3
Property Classification [] All Scotland
No. Value
Advertising 1,416 13,482,265
Care Facilities 3,052 135,678,089
Communications (non Formula) 359 28,711,500
Cultural 1,359 57,311,369
Education And Training 3,619 631,466,195
Garages And Petrol Stations 3,873 78,352,097
Health Medical 2,986 236,836,687
Hotels Etc 5,087 295,120,088
Industrial Subjects Including Factories Warehouses & Stores 60,805 1,406,280,892
Leisure, Entertainment, Caravans & Holiday Sites 26,626 346,945,887
Offices Including Banks 44,284 1,027,724,415
Other 17,553 187,267,224
Petrochemical 137 120,754,720
Public Houses 3,587 120,576,275
Public Service Subjects 9,379 367,102,962
Quarries Mines Etc 653 17,029,060
Religious 5,837 62,955,020
Shops 54,753 1,444,527,899
Sporting Subjects 15,178 45,588,613
Undertaking 1,335 1,063,819,052
All Classifications 261,878 7,687,530,309