Online Council Tax Proposals


Welcome to the Scottish Assessors' online Council Tax proposal system. You have chosen to make a proposal in relation to the property at the following address:-

Assessor's Reference:
Property Address:
Existing Council Tax Band:

Please make sure that this is the correct property and that you are the owner or the person liable to pay the Council Tax. To continue with your proposal please read the following notes then click the 'Continue' button below. If you need help or further details of the circumstances in which proposals may be made, please click the 'Help' button below.


If you disagree with the Council Tax banding of your dwelling, you can make a proposal for the valuation list to be altered to what you think should be the correct banding. Proposals can be made only in certain circumstances and are subject to specified time limits. Further details are available by clicking the 'Help' button below.

The local Assessor decides which valuation band should apply to each dwelling in the area and will be pleased to answer any questions you may have. In carrying out this function, Assessors are entirely independent of both local and central government and reach decisions in accordance with applicable statute and case law.

How to lodge a proposal

You may use the online form to make a proposal in relation to an existing single entry on the Council Tax valuation list. Once submitted, your proposal will be sent to the local Assessor, who will in turn contact you. If your proposal relates to an entry which is not shown on the valuation list please contact your local Assessor direct. If your proposal relates to two or more entries to be combined you will need to complete a separate proposal form for each property and explain this on the forms.

If your proposal cannot be resolved through discussion with the Assessor you may have a right of appeal to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland.

Please note that your proposal may be considered invalid if it is lodged outwith the specified time periods or lacks the required information. The Assessor will contact you to advise if this is the case.

Privacy Statement

When you complete this online form it will be made available to the local assessor who deals with the valuation of the selected property.

Any personal data is collected in the performance of a task carried out in the public interest and in the exercise of official authority. All data supplied will be used for the purposes of The Valuation Acts and in accordance with data protection legislation.

Assessors will not share personal information unless they are required to do so or it is necessary to carry out their duties.

Further detail on how any personal data will be used, shared and disposed of, along with your rights is available at [opens in a new window]